This is my first post. Kind of a test really. To see how the new website works.
If you’re reading this then;
- the website works!
- you were here at the beginning. Thanks. <3
The website is just getting started but we hope to improve it soon, and regularly. In fact, we already have a number of features worth pointing out…
The site has a link to our Discord server, you should find the link at the top of any page on the site. Join the server. Have a chat. We are a unique, welcoming and friendly bunch. You can usually find us on there;
- discussing the latest technologies for our ‘5 Minutes into the Future’ (5MF) zine,
- shooting around random RPG ideas in our 200-words channel,
- or just chatting and having fun.
You can also check out whether the Discord is for you obligation free from right here on the website. Use our natty little widget over there on the bottom right of the page. It’s the little blue button and it’ll open the server for you to peer inside any channel.
The Yknot.me Discord is also the best place to pick up links to cheap and free copies of our stuff – GUARANTEED, because we like to share the love with those who are willing to join our rabble.
Free stuff
Just because we give the best deals to our Discord crew doesn’t mean we don’t love those of you who stop by here. That’s why we have a Free Stuff section. Have a look, there will always be at least one thing up there for free, maybe more – that way you can see if you like our products, risk free. Just hit the Free Stuff button at the top of the page.
Great art
Check out the great art we have on the site, much of it by my friend and incredibly talented artist Anna Hannon – go check out her site. Seriously. I’ll wait.
More great stuff on the way…
That’s kind of it for the minute. But we’ll keep putting in more stuff whenever we get a moment. Keep an eye on the blog, it will keep you up to date on everything we are doing. But here’s some of what you can (hopefully) expect soon!
- More social media! Do you love a good twit? Are you constantly tubing? Is your gram instant? Is your face totally-booked? Well, get your stick shaking hand limbered up because it will soon have its work cut out keeping up with us.
- An email list. For those of you who like your updates delivered on a platter directly to you we’ll be setting up an email mailing list soon.
- A shop. Yes, soon you can throw your hard-earned monies at us directly through this website rather than just through third-parties. Better for us. And we’ll make sure it’s always better for you too by splitting the savings.
Hopefully we’ll see you again, really soon.
All the best.