Byebye 2020, Hihi 2021 Happy New Year everybody. If you are reading this you made it out of 2020 alive. Congratulations – there’s plenty who didn’t. Before we move on, let’s just take a moment…
So, I thought I’d get the ‘where we came from’ post out of the way early. Be warned: the following blog post contains both vanity-puff and humble-bragging. You may want to just skip ahead to…
Hi, This is my first post. Kind of a test really. To see how the new website works. If you’re reading this then; the website works! you were here at the beginning. Thanks. <3 The…
Custom menu section
This is off canvas menu widget area. To enable it add some widgets into Appearance – Widgets – Menu Section, and go to Customizer – Main menu to set the icon position.